• One Stop for All Diagnostics
  • Age based Health Packages
  • Executive Health Check-Up
  • Pre- Employment Health Package
  • Health Packages for the Complete Family
  • Risk Category Packages

Platinum Package

  1. Consultation with the Physician
  2. Haemogram
  3. Blood Sugar - Fasting and PP
  4. Blood Grouping & RH typing
  5. Lipid Profile
  6. LFT
  7. RFT
  8. Serum Calcium
  9. Serum Phosphorus
  10. Stool Ova & cyst
  11. Stool Occult and Blood test
  12. Urine Routine
  13. Total PSA
  14. TSH
  15. Serum Uric Acid
  16. HBA1C
  17. MAU
  18. ECG
  19. TMT
  20. PFT
  21. ECHO
  22. Chest X-ray
  23. Ultrasound Abdomen
  24. DEXA scan
  25. Audiometry
  26. HIV (I & II)
  27. HBSAG
  28. HCV
  29. PAP Test (For women)

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